About Us

We're a small non-profit drinking game website that offers info on all things alcohol related, with our main focus being drinking games.

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Our Mission

We offer fun & easy ways to get smashed with friends, family and strangers by providing shit loads of games and activities for parties, nights out & alcohol based cults.

Being a non profitable business we rely on donations alone and appreciate any help towards the development of the site using the PayPal donate button located below and at the bottom of each page (10% of all contributions goes towards AA).



Each contribution we recieve will go towards the development of the site and paying the 32 elves that keep BeerGoggleGames running smoothly. Please use the secure PayPal link to make donations towards the upkeep of BeerGoggleGames

Donate with Bitcoin instead by sending it to our crypto wallet: 1Kz7FysYQvUzZViJyJ33DPiF6HYY413C4j


Being a website that aims to provide the best entertainment possible, we absolutely support alcohol abuse in all of its glory up until the fun stops!

We do not accept responsibility for any of the criminal activity or destruction caused by playing the games on this website, we hope you have fun and nobody gets hurt in the process.